Tagged: sport


Gaining weight? Don’t worry. I found a solution!

Recently I have seen that I got fat. My beloved trousers were really tight, instead of loose. My cheecks rounded. My belly was not that flat as before. I knew I gotta do something with this. I didn’t want my belly to get worst. However, I already knew that I would not be able to give up tasty food. I love eating and I actually believe that my life without good food will be sad. I can’t be on diet. I simply can’t. Consequently, I knew that instead of diet, I have to focus on something else – doing sport.

Start unique hobby – be a fencer!

Are you exhausted of sitting at home in the nights and you dream of beginning some new task? If you reply ‘yes, I am’, you need read that article and learn how the free time can be spent.
1 of the ideas which is now rather common among British individuals is fencing. Various men and women state that it is very dangerous sport and they are right. However, if you will learn something more about the security, all can become more pleasant and safe.