Like to sell goods abroad? Try Russia

At the moment in Poland plenty of individuals have their smaller or bigger firms. Often it is just a simple grocery store, next time it is large factory, which is making elements of the machines.

Beside, people are making their personal recipes on cheeses and different ecologic goods, which are really popular. When you’re a businessman, who wish to space widely to different country, you should choose Russia.
Since Poland became member of EU, borders are open for polish businessmen, so they can distribute their goods in Western Europe – certyficator. Although the market in there is stuffed, that is why it is not very good idea to risk that way. Better idea is to try your firm in Russia. Market up there needs a lot of stuff and there is plenty of potential buyers for you. But at start, you have to get GOST certification. That type of paper should open every doors in front of you. Plenty of products in this area, such as each type of foods, need to get this certificate even to cross the borders of this place. But when you are producing machines for instance, you don’t require GOST Russia, theoretically. And in practice, if your goods don’t have it, no one will buy it from you. Cause people of this country really trust this thing. Therefore, you need to get GOST certification as soon as possible. But how? It’s simple, you just need to hire a special agency, which is highly qualified in this topics. They will proceed everything in your name, you just need to give them each paper they needs and then pay them after everything – gost Russia.


Autor: Lukas Plewnia
GOST Russia is really relevant certification in this place.

Plenty of products require it only to pass the border of that country, so if you are manufacturing your own cheese, you must to get GOST. But even when you’re in industrial business, it’ll be great for your interest to have a GOST, cause Russian customers very trust it.

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